
76th Anniversary Celebration UDHR: Sports & Human Rights

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Group Image UDHR 2025

The Center for Peace, Justice and Human Right’s annual fall signature event brought together practitioners, academics, diplomats, politicians, teachers and others to raise awareness about and learn how to better advance the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The celebration included art, keynote address, breakout sessions, and a hors d’oeuvres banquet and awards ceremony.

View the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 30 Articles    View the printed program!    View Photo Gallery

More information by email to pjhr@waki-aiai.net  




Universal Celebration of UDHR 2024 Planning Committee

Robert Caputi Rober Caputi, Instructor, Department of Sociology, Florida Atlantic
" Quote Forthcoming "
JJermaine Scottermaine Scott, Assistant Professor of History, Florida Atlantic
“When I was a child, sports, and soccer in particular, was the first space I started to ask critical questions about race, identity, and human rights. Images of John Carlos and Tommie Smith at the 1968 Olympics were embedded in my memory without even knowing the significance of that moment. Now, as a scholar that interrogates the relationship between sports, race, and politics, I find it more urgent than ever to have conversations that see athletes, not just as athletes and entertainers, but as human beings who have a right to have rights. Chairing this committee has given me an opportunity to do just that, and my time as a PJHR affiliate is committed to promoting human rights discourse inside and outside the classroom, on and off the playing field.”
Luisa Turbino Torres Luisa Turbino Torres, Assistant Professor of Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and Political Science, Florida Atlantic
“As a scholar specializing in transnational feminist politics and activism, I’ve always been passionate about understanding the global intersections of power, culture, and human rights. My work, which focuses on feminist movements and their impact on soccer, reflects a broader commitment to challenging systems of oppression and advocating for equity. Being a PJHR affiliate and serving on this committee aligns with my dedication to promoting human rights through an inclusive lens, and I’m honored to contribute to celebrating the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”