Resources for Faculty and Staff
Information for advising appointments:
- Flight Plan (4 year guide): pre-Fall15; Fall15 and later
- Advising form (list courses for term)
- Advising Sheet for F19 | Advising Sheet for S19
- Advising summary of Core/Grad requirements
- AP Credit Table
- Core Course List
- Course info and schedule
- Foreign Language placement
- Math placement
- NC Forgiveness Policy
- Pre-med info
- Student transcripts: In myfau, login, select FAU self-service, faculty services, student ID, enter name or Z number, and select transcript
- DARS (Student audits): In myfau, login, select FAU self-service, faculty services, student ID, select current term, enter Z number, confirm correct student name and click submit, choose DARS at bottom of page, click submit and audit, reenter Z number, hit Run Audit, click 'view submitted audits', and click on degree name. There is a printer-friendly option.
General advising information:
- Concentrations
- Double Concentrations
- FERPA form
- Forms online
- Master Course List: how to access
- Minors
- Policy on taking non-Honors College courses
- Prestige Scholarship info
- Create list-servs (or use Blackboard group-email function)
- Create your own webpage using M:drive
- Request help: submit ticket online or phone the Boca Help-desk at 7-3999 or 866-885-8325.
College Goals and Assessment
- 2019 Program Review
- 2019 Program Review Response
- 2019 WHC Goals and Actions
- Honors College Dashboard Indicators
- Strategic Plan 2017
- 2005 Program Review
- Academic Learning Compact
University Information
- University Awards (Provost's office)
- Calendar of events
- Faculty Governance
- Faculty Handbook
- FAIR (activity and assignment reports): login to MYFAU and click "Staff"; FAIR link is on left.
- Institutional Effectiveness and Analysis
- Provost Memoranda and Policy
- UFF (Faculty Union)
MacArthur Campus
- Dining Hall hours
- Work order request form (for maintenance/custodial issues)
- Florida Atlantic Jupiter Communications Resources and Requests (Announcements and Press Releases)
Honors College Support Staff
Reporting & Resources for Student Concerns
- Emergencies: 911
- Dean of Students: 561-297-3542
- Counseling Services: 561-297-3540
- Florida Atlantic Police: 561-297-3500
- Victim Services: 561-297-4841
- International Student Services: 561-297-3049
For non-emergency concerns about students, submit a report here:
Teaching / Curriculum
- Adjunct faculty handbook
- Book Orders
- Continuing Education Proposal Form
Course Offerings and Schedules
- Academic Calendar
- Final Exam Schedule
- Searchable Schedule
- Tutoring Schedule
- Florida Atlantic Catalog
- E-learning resources
Faculty Self-Service via MyFAU
(get classlists, post grades, do registration overrides): Login, select FAU Self-service, then Faculty Services. -
Honor Code
(procedures for handling plagiarism and cheating) - Honors College Policy on Use of AI in Courses
- Honors Curriculum Manual (for Florida Atlantic honors courses)
- How to propose courses
- Materials and Supplies Fees Form
- Minors: Guidelines for proposing minors
- MyFAU (class information using 'my courses')
- Online Teaching Assistance Guide
- Wilkes Honors College Overload Policy
- Report of Outside Employment, Professional Activity, or Specified Interest (April 2020)
- Room requests:
- Student Travel Liability Waiver - Single
- Student Travel Liability Waiver - Group
- Summer Teaching Policy
- Syllabi: A template is available on the shared drive
- Teaching evaluations: By college | By instructor
- Thesis information
Wilkes Honors College Governance
- Affiliate Faculty Nomination Form
- Affiliate Faculty Appointments- Provost's Memo
- Annual Assignment form: available through MYFAU: click Staff, FAIR, Annual Assignment
- Annual Evaluation Guidelines (2017)
- Annual Report/Evaluation form
- Annual Appraisal toward Tenure form
- Bylaws: Word document
- Collective Bargaining Agreement
- Current Committees | Committees archive
- Committee Minutes Template
- Mission and Guiding Principles
Wilkes Honors College Promotion & Tenure
- WHC's P&T Guidelines | 12/2020
- WHC's SPE Guidelines | 2/2017
- WHC's PTR Guidelines | 11/2023
- Provost's SPE Policy | 10/2016
- Provost’s NTT Guidelines | 2024-2025 Memo
- Provost’s P&T Guidelines | 2024-2025 Memo
- Provost’s Principles for Creating Criteria & Standards for P&T | 2/2022
- Provost’s Criteria for the Appointment, Promotion, & Tenure of Faculty | 2/2022
- Provost’s P&T Templates & Interfolio Information
Absence /Work Day/ Travel
- Faculty Absence and Leave Request Form
- International Travel Insurance Requirement
- International Travel Waiver
- TAR Request Form
- TAR Request Complimentary
- WorkDay - Absence Requests
- Reimbursement Cheat Sheet
- UG Student Travel - Policies and Procedures