Hurricane Information
Hurricane season runs each year from June 1 to November 30. It is important that all housing residents stay informed about changing weather conditions. FAU will determine based on the strength and the severity of the storm whether or not residents will need to shelter in place or evacuate on-campus housing.
The official FAU Hurricane Hotline is: 1-888-832-8695
Should a tropical storm or hurricane approach any FAU campus, the University will disseminate important information through a variety of communication platforms, including email, phone calls, text messages, social media, and updates posted to FAU webpages, such as the University advisory page. You can also locate specific hurricane tracking information at
When a hurricane is approaching, throughout the storm and for a time afterward, the FAU homepage will include information about the University’s status and procedures. If schedules are altered or closings are ordered, the page will include links for detailed information on housing, food services, athletics, classes and other areas.
In the event of a hurricane, the University may close, and all on-campus residents may need to evacuate University Housing.

Do not wait until the last minute to purchase supplies. Past experience shows that once a Hurricane Watch is announced, many supplies are depleted and store checkout lines can take several hours.
Each resident should stock up on battery-powered lighting (flashlights) and will be asked to provide a flashlight in case of power failure. DO NOT use candles or other flame-type lighting under any circumstances, as fire is uncontrollable during a hurricane. Use battery powered lighting only. Additionally, you’ll want to have extra batteries, water, food, and cash available in case of a hurricane. Visit our disaster supply kit list here to see our recommendation of what to have ready:
If you can leave the campus for home (or a friend or relative’s home) you are encouraged to plan to do so. Plan in advance where you will stay, how you will get there, and supplies you will need to take. The University may provide transportation to and from, if the need arises.
If you need special transportation arrangements to be made, due to a physical disability, register with your RA. Some assistance can be arranged for transportation. Don’t wait until a storm approaches; make your contact now.

A watch means that tropical storm or hurricane conditions are a possible threat within 36 hours in the specified region. You should begin preliminary preparations to protect yourself and your property.
A warning means that tropical storm or hurricane conditions are expected in a specified region within 24 hours. All of your preparations should be complete.
An announcement that tropical storm conditions (sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph) are possible within the specified coastal area within 48 hours.
An announcement that tropical storm conditions (sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph) are expected somewhere within the specified coastal area within 36 hours.
An announcement that hurricane conditions (sustained winds of 74 mph or higher) are possible within the specified coastal area. Because hurricane preparedness activities become difficult once winds reach tropical storm force, the hurricane watch is issued 48 hours in advance of the anticipated onset of tropical-storm-force winds.
An announcement that hurricane conditions (sustained winds of 74 mph or higher) are expected somewhere within the specified coastal area. Because hurricane preparedness activities become difficult once winds reach tropical storm force, the hurricane warning is issued 36 hours in advance of the anticipated onset of tropical-storm-force winds.DURING A HURRICANE WATCH
Take a look around your room and suite or apartment. A number of things can be done to prepare.
- Use plastic to cover valuables.
- All furniture, including beds, should be pulled away from the windows. Computers, TVs, stereo equipment, etc., should be raised off the floor, preferably in a closet or the study area.
- All articles on the floor (shoes, rugs, clothes, boxes, suitcases, etc.) shouId be placed on closet shelves or in dresser drawers.
- All loose objects should be placed in drawers or closets. Paper, books, etc., should not be left on top of dressers or desks. • All windows must be in the closed and locked position. In facilities where blinds are provided, the blinds should be in the raised position (mini blinds) or completely open (vertical blinds). All curtains should be closed. DO NOT TAPE WINDOW GLASS.
- Any resident who owns a vehicle should have the gas tank filled.
- For any updates related to towing vehicles please check updates with parking and transportation website:
- If you do not plan to use your vehicle for evacuation purposes, you should place your vehicle in your assigned parking area with the emergency brake set and in reverse gear or park. Ideally, you’ll want to park them in a parking garage if available. All windows should be closed and the vehicle locked. **Vehicles parked near buildings and not in an approved parking area (i.e., motorcycles, bicycle racks, cars in loading zones) will be removed at owner’s expense.**
- If you choose to leave your car in a FAU parking garage it could be 3-4 days post storm before you are allowed access to the vehicle.
- Bicycles should be brought in from the outside and stored in your bedroom.
- Motorcycles, mopeds, and any other vehicle containing combustible fuel may NOT be stored in or near University Housing. Alternate locations need to be found (BY YOU) to store motorcycles and mopeds.
- Disconnect all unneeded appliances. But, leave your refrigerators plugged in and turned on coldest settings.
- Unplug computers, electronics, and Ethernet cords.
- During a hurricane watch, all of the elevators and AC units of each of our residential buildings will be shut off in preparation for the storm and during the storm. You may continue to run the fan component of your AC unit to circulate air flow. Elevators and AC units will be returned to normal operations after the storm has passed.
In the event a hurricane warning is issued, FAU may evacuate the campus. Please inform your RA or the Area Office where you are going (e.g., home, friends, etc). If that decision is made, be prepared to leave your on-campus residence. BE SURE TO LOCK ALL DOORS WHEN YOU LEAVE. Additionally, turn off all water faucets, showers, etc. For security purposes, the locks to all exterior entrances will be changed. Residents may not re-enter University buildings until the University officially announces that University Housing is ready to re-open.
Do not report to hurricane evacuation shelters until they are officially opened. The University and all local media will announce shelter openings. Pets, firearms, alcoholic beverages, and other illegal substances are not allowed in many hurricane evacuation shelters.
Transportation to local Palm Beach County designated shelters may be provided. Specific pick-up locations will be announced on posters and flyers found throughout University Housing.
Be advised: Shelters will be crowded and uncomfortable with no privacy. Residents who need to go to local shelters are encouraged by Palm Beach County to bring the following items:
- Bedding including pillows, blankets
- Folding beach chair (to use as a bed)
- Prescription medications
- Single servings of food (granola/cereal bars, etc.)
- Extra set of clothing, toiletries
- Flashlight/batteries
- Books, games, study materials
- First aid kit
- Drinking water
- Cash, traveler’s checks
- Prescription medications
- 24-hour supply of non-perishable food
- Valuable documents
- Photo Identification (driver’s license, student I.D. card, etc.)
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (i.e., Facial coverings, gloves and hand sanitizer)
Be sure to pack light! You will have to carry all items you bring. In addition, security of your items is up to you. Remember, hurricane shelters should be utilized as a LAST RESORT. Residents are encouraged to stay with family or friends when possible.
Stay tuned to TV or radio broadcasts for the re-opening of the University campuses, call the FAU hotline telephone number for your specific campus information, or check
Options to obtain information: