OURI Undergraduate Researcher of the Year Awards
The Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (OURI) invites nominations for the Annual Undergraduate Researcher of the Year (UROY) awards. Each year one student from every college is selected for this award. Students are recognized at the annual Honors Convocation and receive a $500 stipend and an "Undergraduate Research Scholar" stole to wear during their graduation ceremony.
2023-24 Awardees
- Must have at least two semesters of documented faculty-mentored undergraduate research experience at FAU within the past calendar year
- Must be an actively enrolled student at FAU during the semester the awards are given (Spring) (Note: all research in the previous calendar year [January-December] must have been conducted as an undergraduate)
- Must be in good academic standing at FAU
- Must agree to present at the annual OURI Undergraduate Research Symposium in April (oral presentation preferred)
February 7th, 2025 - Nominations and Applications due
February 10th, 2025 - Names and applications of nominees will be sent to college deans for selection
March 7th, 2025 - Names of final college awardees due to OURI from deans
April 9th, 2025 - Announcement of Undergraduate Researchers of the Year at Honors Convocation
Application Process
To apply or nominate a candidate, please complete the online application through Survey Monkey Apply (click here for instructions) by February 7th, 2025. NOTE: Remember to use your FAU Net ID and password to log in to Survey Monkey Apply. For questions on Survey Monkey Apply, email ouri@waki-aiai.net .
Complete details and guidelines for the UROY awards can be found here.
The evaluation is based on the quality and quantity of research conducted by the FAU student.
Please review OURI's policy on use of generative AI in submissions and peer-review prior to applying.