Jumpstart Postdoctoral Program
The Charles E. Schmidt College of Science Jumpstart Postdoctoral Program aims to stimulate synergy between faculty and postdoctoral associates interested in collaborating on multidisciplinary research that addresses societally relevant problems. Solving complex societal challenges increasingly requires multidisciplinary and team-based approaches. Recent innovations in biotechnology, data science, green infrastructure, neuroscience and behavior, coupled human-natural systems, among many others, offer exciting opportunities for novel partnerships to solve a wide range of problems in new ways. The Schmidt College of Science is uniquely positioned to facilitate multidisciplinary studies with its diverse academics and research across eight academic departments and multiple cross-departmental graduate programs and research centers of excellence on three campuses.
Application Details
Note: Please refresh your browser when viewing the PDF to ensure you are reading the most up-to-date version (December 2024).
Application Deadline: Friday, January 3, 2025
Position Start Date: May to August, 2025 (specific date negotiable)
Application Submissions: Send applications (as a single PDF) to sciencedean@waki-aiai.net with subject: COS Jumpstart Postdoctoral Program.
Program Duration:Postdoctoral projects are for up to two years (assuming satisfactory progress toward research goals in year one).
Research Support
The postdoctoral scholar will receive $5,000 per year for research supplies and research-related travel.
The position will be physically located at Florida Atlantic University.
Postdoctoral associates will be encouraged to participate in grant proposal development workshops and other professional development activities.
While in residence, the postdoctoral associates will be expected to be visible members of the Schmidt College of Science community, actively engaging with faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and contributing to furthering our collaborative culture.
Postdoc Advisor and Co-Advisor Requirements
Click here to download the postdoctoral individual development plan (IDP).
- Meet regularly with their postdoc to support their research program.
- Empower (and encourage) their postdoc to pursue professional development opportunities offered by FAU and relevant professional societies.
- Encourage their postdoc to present at scientific meetings and support them in these endeavors.
- Support, encourage, and advise their postdoc to apply for external sources of research funding.
- Support their postdoc in career progression and job searches.
Contact Us
Questions? Contact Valery Forbes, Dean, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science at veforbes@waki-aiai.net, with subject: COS Jumpstart Postdoctoral Program.